Ten Indicators You Could Benefit from a Business Coach

Here we are in 2022! Welcome. 

The pinning up of a new calendar leads many to envision a bright new future for themselves. And anyone who has ever set a New Year’s resolution knows that change takes more than just dreaming of what could be. It takes planning, action steps, accountability, and hard work. 

Today’s article is about the value of engaging a Coach to help you get where you want to go. We’re going to explore many of the reasons why a Business Coach might be a good investment for you in 2022, and what they can help you with. If you have considered getting a Coach, reading this article is a great step in your contemplation. Let’s dig into ten reasons a Business Coach might be a great option for you! 

1. You set great goals, but regularly fail to meet them

Is it you or is it the goal? Are you creating goals based on the expectations of others? Are you lacking motivation towards the goals all together?

Sometimes goals are impressed upon us, and we have no choice but to put forth our best efforts to achieve those goals. Other times we set goals for things that we really truly want to accomplish, but then nothing happens. Either way, there are likely underlying reasons why goals are not being met. A Coach can help you peel back the layers to understand where the barriers are coming from and how to address them. 

2. You feel like you have stagnated/imposter syndrome

As we grow and advance in our careers, it’s common to get to a point where we question our legitimacy. Do we really deserve the position we hold? Are our skills suited to the role we’re in? Coaching can help you process how you’re feeling, separate feelings from facts, acknowledge your skills and expertise, and grow professionally. 

3. Your work-life balance is not balanced at all

If everything feels like it’s out of whack, it might be time for a change. When a professional or career change needs to be made, it’s not uncommon to completely throw ourselves into work, to avoid thinking about the change. It might also be time for a change if you have no choice but to spend an excessive amount of your time working or stressing out about work. 

A Coach can help you take the emotion out of your situation. When we’re overworked and over-extended, it can be difficult to separate reality from our overwhelmed mental state. Having someone process your situation with you will not only help you feel more sane, it will allow you to make rational, planful decisions. 

4. You want a career change

Many people come to a point in their life where they want more. More money, more flexibility, more impact, etc. What you decided to do for a career when you were 18 or 22 or whatever, might not be the right fit for you at this stage in your life. A Coach can help you suss-out what is important to you and get you moving in a direction that will be fulfilling and rewarding. 

5. You know you need to grow professionally

Growth can be difficult, and something we unintentionally avoid. Without knowing it, we can actively circumvent opportunities to grow, because in the back of our minds we know it will be easier to maintain the status quo. Additionally, we all have blind-spots. No matter how great we are, there are always opportunities to improve. However, without help, we don’t necessarily see them. 

A trusted Coach can help you move past your self-imposed barriers to development. They can uncover your growth opportunities and work with you to create a plan that will allow you to evolve and thrive. 

6. You need better accountability

No one likes to be held accountable. If you’re the one in charge of your own accountability, it might just not happen. Think about most diets. No matter how committed a person is to losing weight and creating a healthy lifestyle, it’s difficult to stick to the plan. 

Many people find it very helpful to engage an accountability partner to hold their feet to the fire. By sharing your goals and plans with a Coach, they can keep you on track. They will remind you of why you set your goals, and the necessary actions you have committed to in order to reach those goals. 

7. You struggle to work “on” your business

The everyday grind can easily become the thing that keeps you from growing. When all of your attention is focused on the day-to-day operations, you will never think bigger, explore options, and dream about the future. Dedicated time with a Coach gives Business Leaders the time to work ON their business. This might be in the form of strategic planning, exploring new opportunities, evaluating operations, assessing how resources are deployed, and much more! 

8. You need someone to talk to about your business and career

It’s lonely at the top! If you are the leader of your business, there isn’t a coworker you can go to who understands the challenges and pressures you face. Some people find this support in other CEOs or leaders. Others like to maintain a high level of privacy about the things keeping them up at night. A Coach can be that confidant that you need at the top. 

9. You want to save time and money

Without a sounding board, leaders still come to great conclusions on their own. However, it usually takes much longer than if you were to bring someone in to help you process your thoughts and ideas. And, as they say, time is money. 

A Business Coach helps you process through difficult decisions, crucial conversations, problem solving, and more. Otherwise, these are often topics that are put off until it’s absolutely necessary to deal with them. By dealing with them in a timely manner, you will save yourself frustration; as well as time and money. 

10. You need ideas!

An outside perspective can help you generate ideas that you wouldn’t have come up with on your own. Business Coaches tend to have rich experience in the business world and can provide creative solutions to try. When you feel like you’ve tried everything, it might be time to try visiting with a Coach.

These are just a few of the reasons it might be a great idea to engage with a Coach. Most Coaches (myself included) provide a free Discovery Call, where you can discuss your unique situation and see if Coaching is right for you. This is also a good time to interview the Coach to see if they are a good fit for you, your style, and your business.

If you would like to explore how a Business Coach could help you, schedule a 30-minute Discovery Call. You can also email questions to me at Kim@Athena-CoCo.com.

Kim Stewart

Kim is a mom, wife, lover of being active and the outdoors,
and helper of small businesses and nonprofits.